The goal is to be rich in wealth, health, and love. These journals are the ultimate tools to help you cultivate a successful business and a happy life.

Breath Goal Action Journal

With 3, simple, daily guided prompts, you’ll be completely focused in no time.

here are your dreams journal

Pour your heart out. This book will hold your thoughts and dreams close.

Goals that are not written down are just wishes." ~Fitzhugh Dodson


  • If you’re feeling exhausted and like there isn’t enough time in the day to do everything on your to-do list, start with the BGA journal!

    Then, once you’ve mastered your mornings, grab a blank Here are Your Dreams journal to pour your thoughts onto paper and manifest your dream life.

    If you’re an A+ student (or just like to save on shipping), go ahead and add both to cart right now! They make a beautiful bundle and look gorgeous side by side on your shelf.

  • Hi! I’m Tiffany. I’m a Nashville business coach with Louisiana roots and big ambitions. I’m also a 13-year-strong entrepreneur, public relations and branding expert, yogi, and latte lover.

    I help women grow sustainable and profitable businesses — without burnout.

    I detest the hustle culture or the unfortunate side effects of social media that make us feel like we’re never doing enough.

    That’s why I developed the BGA method — to help us get to the root of what matters and ditch the rest, and to reclaim our one, wild and beautiful lives!

  • We certainly do! If you’re a creative woman with a small business, check out my coaching packages.

    If you’re not yet making 6-figures, start with my Make That Money, Honey accelerator program.

    If you’re doing well but ready for cruise control or more gasoline, my higher-level Thrive program will be right for you!