Is It Time To Outsource?


Hey CEO! Do you find yourself taking on more work than you can handle? Do you spend hours of your time checking off the small tasks? Does doing everything yourself stop you from making progress?

If this sounds like you, it may be time to outsource and expand your team. Stop trying to wear all the hats in your business. It's okay if you need some extra hands in the mix to take some weight off your shoulders! 

A few weeks ago, I had a major epiphany that influenced me to adjust the way I run my business. After my yoga class, I looked at my to-do list and realized that a founder’s job shouldn’t include some of the small tasks on my list. I came to my senses.

Do I need an assistant? Is this the job for an expert in the field? The problem was that I LOVED doing the trench work on my to-do list. But was I spending too much time in the trenches to move the needle?

I decided it was time for me to let go of the reins, outsource my business, and trust others. I recently brought on three new hires to help out with my business and let me tell you, it feels GOOD. I’m excited to spend more time hustling and bustling on the BIG STUFF.  

But before doing this, I made sure I brought on the right people. letting someone new in is scary! I wanted the quality of their work to match mine, or, be even better.

Outsourcing can go in a variety of different directions. Figuring out what works best for YOU matters most and will bring the most success.

First, outsource what you hate doing, and you're bad at.

Everyone has weaknesses (even you and me), and we hate doing them. This should be the first thing you outsource. Why? Because it will save you time and stress. Continuing to work these tasks will only hold you back from getting other things done and will keep you from doing the work you love.

Start identifying your weaknesses and addressing them with outsourcing. This will improve your business and lighten the workload.

Let's say you're the CEO of a tech company. You want to improve your organization’s online presence but don’t know anything about social media. Easy fix, hire a communications consultant to lead the way! Or, if you own a retail store and need to organize your finances, no worries, hire an accountant to take care of this.

No one’s perfect, and it’s difficult to understand every side of running a business. You can use outsourcing as a way to consult an expert in your rockier areas. This will not only save you time, but it will also get your business running more smoothly.    

Next, outsource what you’re bad at but love doing.

Even if you love the trench work like me, you're going to have to make some sacrifices to improve your biz. The whole idea of upleveling your business is to go above and beyond.

This means stepping outside your comfort zone! Finding someone who can get the job done better and faster is a step in the right direction. 

Then, outsource what you hate, but are good at.

Tedious assignments like administrative work, data input, or writing can feel like they eat up all your time. Sometimes they even hold you back from working on more important things. But busy work is foundational for running your business.

Handing over some of your work to someone else is great for your business. If you have a hectic few months coming up, hire an intern. If you’re constantly drowning in work, hire a freelancer or an assistant. Both you and your new employees benefit from outsourcing.

Your team will gain experience in the industry (not to mention, have a job), and you’ll accomplish more for the company in getting the ball rolling. The goal is to drive more business through outsourcing, not to hire someone because you don’t want to do the work. 

Finally, you're left with what you love doing and are good at.

By outsourcing the right things first, you're able to kill two birds with one stone: enjoying your work and making REAL PROGRESS! Not to mention, getting someone to tighten up your weaker areas. (We simply can’t be great at everything!)

You can finally focus on the big stuff without losing control.

Now that you’ve loosened your grip and had that ah-ha moment, it's finally time to commit to the work you’ve put off for WAY too long. Don’t let the small stuff control you! Start outsourcing and checking off the big tasks. Break down barriers and take progressive steps so your business can shine.

However, don’t get caught up in outsourcing. Don’t hand it off and never look back. Tha’ts a recipe for disaster. You need to find a healthy balance between trusting others with your work and maintaining your ground as the CEO and the Manager. When you find this balance, you're able to stay up to speed on every aspect of your business operations. Be smart AND strategic when outsourcing!

Get started

So I ask you: what can you let go of today? What can you outsource? What can you hand off to someone else so that you can focus on moving the needle?

If you need that extra guiding hand, let’s work together! Schedule a complimentary call today.

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