11 Morning Mantras to Brighten Your Day

We are the same in more ways than not. We all have mornings where we hit snooze one too many times, the coffee spills on our white blouse and the traffic jam is extra annoying. But the difference between letting it all get to you and breezing through your day? I think it boils down to a morning mantra habit.

Words hold a lot of meaning, so imagine the power of saying something motivating to yourself each and every day. A great mantra should incite a feeling inside you - a feeling that you don’t quite feel in your soul yet but you want to … a feeling of empowerment. If it does that, then adopt it for the next 7 days, repeat it 20 times each morning with heart and soul, and after one week, evaluate how you feel.

Traditional mantra technique recommends 108 daily repetitions, but if mantras and meditation aren’t part of your life currently, I feel like it’s best to start with attainable goals and work your way up. Twenty feels achievable, don’t you think?

You may feel ready for a new mantra after one week, or you may decide that a particular mantra is serving you well and keep repeating it for months or even a full year. My mantra this year was “I am open,” and it broke me wide open emotionally in the best possible way. I come back to it when I feel myself shutting down, closing off my heart, or doubting the powers of the universe.

Not sure what your mantra is? I’ve made getting started even easier for you with my Morning Mantras soundtrack packed with mantras to kickstart your morning right. Simply hit play to transform your day!


If the term “mantra” sounds too woo woo for you, substitute the word “phrase” every time I say it. For example, below you will find “11 Morning Phrases to Brighten Your Day.” Easy, right? Mantras are really just phrases (or words) that spark a shift in our mind, and when we repeat them to ourselves, perhaps while meditating or perhaps while making your morning cup of coffee, it turns into what is referred to as a “Mantra.” Translated literally from Sanskrit, “mantra” breaks down to “tools to free the mind.”

Man-tra /ˈmantrə/

1. (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.

2. a statement or slogan repeated frequently.

At the end of the day, a mantra - or a phrase that you repeat frequently - is a very simple tool that helps with self-transformations, and in these instances below, they can train your mind to think more positively.

It is said that a mantra can replace 10,000 different thoughts with one thought. It allows you to collect your scattered attention and divert it to something uplifting and empowering. So call it what you want — mantra, phrase, statement, or slogan — but I’m here for it.


If you’re reading this and you’re like, “yeah, I want to have the most perfect day today!" please allow me to share some realistic expectations. These mantras aren’t here for you to create a perfect day, they are here to help you have a more fulfilling and more positive day.

Striving for perfection is a really good way to set yourself up for disappointment, and that’s the opposite of what we are hoping to achieve. The purpose of these mantras is to set yourself up to have a fulfilling day that feels satisfying, productive by your standards, and causes no harm. Without further ado, here are 11 of my favorite morning mantras.


  • I am worthy just as I am.

  • I am centered and at peace.

  • I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.

  • I will achieve great things through small steps.

  • I am grateful for all that I have.

  • I can be fierce, brave and kind at the same time.

  • I am strong and capable.

  • I am fulfilling my purpose in this world.

  • Everything I need is within me.

  • I accept the abundance and blessings that come my way.

  • Today, above all else, I choose love.


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Do me a favor and tag me (@TiffanyNapper) if you post it on social media so I can see which mantra resonated with you and cheer you on! Or save it as a wallpaper on your phone or tablet as a daily reminder to shift your focus back to your mantra each morning.

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