Top 5 Tips To Help You Get Out Of A Funk


Guest contributor: Sanya Khan, Founder & CEO of What a Girl Gotta Do

I’ve been stuck in a funk more times than I’d like to admit. I wake up feeling ‘bleh,’ can’t seem to shake it, and before I know it I’m having a meltdown and staring at my computer screen, questioning the meaning of life.

Sound familiar? It’s hard not to feel off-balance sometimes. Honestly, it’s pretty normal and there are a bunch of things that could be involved - the state of the world, hormones, a crappy job, etc.

Even though in the moment it seems like there’s no way out, I have a few tips that just might do the trick. They’re meant to be easy, realistic, and are in no particular order. 

5 ways to help you work your way out of a funk: 

1. Run through the 5 Why’s

The 5 Why’s technique is practiced to find the root of the problem. I used it quite a bit when I was knee-deep in strategy meetings at my tech consulting firm. Here’s a super simplified version to give you an idea of how to break it down. Ask yourself: 

Q: Why am I not feeling well? A: Because I’m incredibly sleepy + cranky.

Q: Why am I cranky? A: Because I didn’t sleep well.

Q: Why did I not sleep well? A: Because I had too much sugar before bed.

Q: Why did I have too much sugar before bed? A: Because I had intense cravings.

Q: Why did you have intense cravings? A: Because it’s almost that time of the month.

BOOM (kinda). Now we can show ourselves a little more grace.

2. Write a letter

I used to cringe every time I got the advice to “write a letter to the person that hurt you, and then throw it away...” until I tried it. Game changer. Even if your funk isn’t caused by a person, write a letter to the “root of the problem.” And then crumple that sh*t up and throw it away. There’s something so therapeutic about physically seeing your frustration be tossed into the trash. It doesn’t have to make sense, it just needs to get out of your head. 

3. Find a serotonin boost 

Serotonin does a bunch of things, but it’s mostly known for mood regulation. More serotonin generally equals more energy and usually a better mood. My favorite serotonin boosts are snacks, sunlight, and physical activity. I know when you’re in the middle of a funk, the last thing you want to do is get up, but it might just be the solution to help you feel better, faster. So crank up your favorite tune and dance around your living room. Or roll out your yoga mat and soak up some rays while you stretch your blues away.

4. Step away from the space that you’re in 

Occasionally, I’ve noticed that the way I’m feeling is a virtue of where I am physically. I know, this one might sound weird. But, my bad mood can be tied to the bed or the couch or sitting in my office. When you leave your space, you leave the funk there. Ha, take that couch! 

5. Focus on surviving and lean into self-care 

Odds are, when you’re in a funk, productivity seems impossible. Forcing yourself to get things done also might push you deeper into a negative and frustrating headspace. Instead of forcing productivity, ride the wave and focus on surviving. How?

Run through a basic checklist: 

  • Drink water

  • Eat food

  • Take a shower (wash that negative juju away)

  • Break out your favorite skincare / self-care routine 

  • Tell the people around you that you need the day off (boundaries are important, especially on days like this)

Always remember that there’s no right way to feel better. You can do all of these at once, one at a time, or in a different order - the possibilities are endless. I also want to emphasize the importance of seeking professional help. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re really struggling. You don’t deserve to suffer in silence. It’s okay to feel all the feelings - you’re never alone! 

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